Animated Render Border - Command Line

Hi fellow Blender artists. I’m having some issues with rendering when using the Animated Render Border addon.

Which I’m hoping some of you Python gurus may be able to help with.

When calling Blender from the command line with an additional Python expression that calls the “Render Animation” button from the Animated Render Border addon, like so :

blender -b C:\Users\admor\Desktop\AnimatedRB_Test\TEST.blend -o //Renders/#### -F EXR -x 1 -a --python-expr bpy.ops.render.animated_render_border_render()

The command is executed and the frames are rendered but… the render border stays at frame 0 and doesn’t move. However, this works perfectly when opening Blender and rendering from the UI, so I’m thinking I might need some kind of additional Python argument that simulates a UI refresh on each frame without Blender being open?

Modifying my arguments to actually call the Blender UI is a last resort I suppose, but given it impacts render times and my job requires a ton of batch rendering I’d rather figure out how to it properly.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks :slight_smile: