In the Meadows

Anything to add, which one seems more realistic the first one or the second?

Neither of them are actually realistic.
I think that the main problem is the scale and amount of dandelions (I think that’s what the white plants are called). They look too big. Also the hills loom a tad overdone. The first one looks better though, as the volumetric aren’t overpowered.
The image looks more fantasy, which is not bad at all!

Hey! I guess this is done after watching the B:ender Guru’s Meadows tutorial? I love this image. Except there are some problems:

The dandelions are too straight that they almost look fake. They also should be small like Yusuf said.

I guess you used the objects from the file? or did you model them? The modelling is really nice.

The grass looks fake. The tall ones.

Make the path more natural. Right now, it looks like someone recently made the path by a lawnmower. Use cloud texture in the particle system so that some grass actually shows up in the road.

Use different texture for the tree bark.

And don’t overuse an object. The log, you used it three times and it looks weird to my eyes.

Get rid of those red fruit/flower on the lonely tree.

Add Vignette, Godrays, and a wee bit of gloom.