Text Size Bug

Why is the text larger when I run it in the engine runtime?

File attached:


text_size_bug.blend (498 KB)

It’s always like that and there’s no way to change it. There is however in the UPBGE api something that tells you something about the text size and you can use that to adjust it’s position???. I haven’t used it but you can try to find it or someone else might tell you about it.

Follow-up Question: How would I create a black border around the text?

You can’t. The build-in text objects are monochrom.

You could use bitmap text to get multi-color text. This is the older version of showing text to the player. You need a special (but modificable) bitmap text texture. I haven’t used it for quite a long time, so I do not have a demo available.

Alternatively you could use two text objects. One white as foreground and one black with bold characters in black as background text (slightly behind the foreground text object).

http://imgur.com/lweBlGuI found a workaround that seems to work well enough for my purposes.


But still, thanks for the help guys.
Do you guys believe that the text size bug will ever get fixed?