How to smoothly rotate an object to other direction

Hi, I am trying to rotate an object from one direction to other direction. How can we make it smooth rotation? Right now it is making a jumpy rotation with the following code. Thanks in advance

import bpy
import mathutils 

context = bpy.context
scene = context.scene

obA = scene.objects.get("Cone")
obA["speed"] = 0.1

def setloc(scene):

    a =["Scene"].frame_current
    if a < 60:
        loc = mathutils.Vector((8.0, -0.05, 0.0))
        dv = loc - obA.location
        loc = mathutils.Vector((-10.0, 14.05, 7.0))   
        dv = loc - obA.location
    rot_quat = dv.to_track_quat('Z', 'Y')
    obA.rotation_euler = rot_quat.to_euler()
    speed = obA["speed"]
    if speed > 0.000001 and dv.length > 0.000001:
        obA.location += speed * dv.normalized()