UV Mapping a Chimney! PLEASE HELP!

Hello everyone,

I’ve been struggling with this chickin’ chimney for like so long.
Could anyone tell me/show me how the UV layout of this should be? Most adequately?
No stretching, since it should be more for CGI than games.
I’m new to UV mapping and stuff, I watched a lot of tutorials, searched online but couldn’t find a solution.

Here’s the blend file:
uv-chimney.blend (3 MB)

Thank you so much in advance!

The most adequate UV layout depends on your specific needs.

If you make one seem at one of the corner edge loops and unwrap you see that the shape gets deformed at the top because of the part sticking out, that means you have to separate that into separate islands, so you should do that. Once the top sticking out part is separated by UV seams from the rest it unwraps quite nicely, but you probably want some stretching for the texture to follow the shape, so it might be useful to straighten the corner edge loops as well as some of the island outer edges. I would use a plugin ‘UV Squares’ for that and select the edge loops I want straight and use ‘to grid by shape’ on them. There might not be a need to move everything to grid, just some edges, then you can pin them hitting p (unpin with alt+p) to make them stick to where they are and unwrap again(select all in edit mode and hit u twice) this way the positions of unpinned UVs will be adjusted accordingly keeping the pinned ones in the same place.

Also in your shader you should use the UV map for the textures as the texture coordinates instead of object space and should not change anything from the defaults of the texture nodes - projection must be set to flat except for the bump or normal maps where you should set data type to non-color data. If you use mapping node you should set it to texture mode as well.

P.S. You can just scale edge loops to 0 in one of the axis to make them straight in this case without any plugins, but that might not work on more complicated cases.