Battle City with BlendForWeb

Greetings to all! =)

I decided to make a remake of well known

. And I wish to make it with BGE to publish with BlendForWeb if it would be possible. But I haven’t almost any experience of game developing so I need help and much of it!

First of all, I have recorded gameplay with mi wife to have a lot of reference.
Batlleground consists of 13x13 blocks of different type: brick walls can be destroyed in quarters, concrete walls can be destroyed with maximum gun upgrade, bushes which cloacks tanks, water wich impassible, but bullets can fly through it.

I have just started and for now I have only one user controlled tank, able to ride empty battleground and fire bullets. Awesome! :eyebrowlift: Moreover, bullets can destroy brick blocks - amasing at all!!!

But here my problems begins:

  1. I want to build level upon level start using some kind of 13x13 array with designated blocks types. I have an idea how to perform this, but!
  2. Brick blocks and concrete blocks - they should consist of 16 (4) pieces, 4 (2) in a row, so it could be progressively destroyed. Each piece should have centered origin to collide properly. And if I spawn Wall piece with EditObject actuator, it’s placed in origin of Empty object, representing tile itself. How to place it in 4x4 (2x2) grid inside the tile?
  3. I have tank collider object, it’s movements controlled by keyboard/joystick, I have an empty, parented in front of it, which spawns bullets on fire keystroke, I have bullet collider. Simple enough? But I can’t figure out, how to get pointer for spawned object. This is the situation: Bullet Spawner spawns bullet: it continiously uses Near Sensor to detect Bullet with ownership property, P1, for example, so player can’t fire another bullet, until he/she has one alive. So I need Bullet Spawner spawn bullet, then tell it somehow it is P1 or P2 bullet (same property as spawner and tank itself). I can see only one stupid solution for now: duplicate this setups for each players. But what about bot-controlled tanks? I don’t know.

Here you can see what I have for now. Later I would update blend file within my progress: bc_v02.blend (1.07 MB)