Limit render calculation to only hair that are actually visible in the frame

Is it possible to limit the calculation of scene data to what is actually visible in the frame?

I have an animated scene in which the camera moves across a landscape that has grass made of particle hair. Because of the camera movement, only a small fraction of the particles is actually visible in each individual frame.

Nevertheless, in the “Preparing scene data” phase, Blender 2.78 (Internal Renderer) seems to “count” all of the particles in the whole project file, which takes an unnecessarily long time.

Is there a function, perhaps an addon, that will “ignore” the particles that are outside the frame?

Or is there perhaps another solution to my problem?

The grass is not animated. Can Blender somehow save the result of “counting the hairs” and reuse it for all of the other frames.

Thank you!

It is the reason why hair particles have children particles that would be compute at rendertime. And you can disable them in Simplify panel of scene settings.

Hi zeauro,
Thanks for the reply. Children particles and Simplify don’t solve the problem since I’m trying to reduce render times of my final full render, so I can’t turn off anything for that.
While only 1/10 to 1/20 of the hair is visible in each frame, Blender “prepares” every hair in the file, thus unnecessarily multiplying render times by up to factor 15.
That’s why I’m looking for a solution in which either

  1. all hair particles outside the frame are ignored
  2. Blender reuses the result of “Preparing scene data” (which should be possible since the hairs are not animated).