Rotating in its center point

Hi, I have this simple model, I export as .dae open the file in preview and the model rotates all over the screen going out of view, I am looking for the model to rotate fixed in the middle of the screen without going out of the view. I understand by other posts that I can “ry” “rx” but does not work when I open outside of blender app. Any help?

I am not sure about the problem… if you say that the model goes out from the screen when you rotate it, it seems that the origin of the rotation is messing. In Blender, by default, when you rotate all the objects together, they turn around a middle average point. Maybe, exporting the model, it decides an arbitrary common origin for all the objects. As attempt, you can make sure to have all the origins of all the objects in the middle and in the same point! Place the cursor in the precise point where you want the origins (use the panel “n” to have more precision) and then select the objects one by one and do this for all: CTRL+ALT+SHIFT + C and select “Origin to 3D Cursor”.
I am not an expert, so if someone comes here with better answers, just throw away the mine. :slight_smile: