Up scene

I am calling this project Done. I don’t know why. This is not finished. Though, I would love to hear your valuable critiques.

Thank you.

I’m still a begginer with blender, but I can say a few things. The balloons seem very dark as if they are no letting in as much light. Maybe brighten the colours of the house, the ballons and the wires. If you compare the ballons to what the UP cover picture is the sky is much brighter and the overall shape of the ballon looks like a balloon it self. Maybe changing the angle of the camera facing upward would make it seem like the house is rising. It also looks like there is nothing going on under the house. Maybe add broken wood planks to make it seem it has been lifted of the ground. I would also add thos plumbing and drainages houses have on the side of their house and underneath but make the bottom very subtle. You dont want to attract the attention where you don’t want it. Also finish with a bit of post processing in the compositor. Maybe add a bright sun and add the sun flare. That would look nice. I have no idea how you made this and it looks verry impressive with what you have done!

Thanks. I dropped this project. It was only half done. I had to add pipes at the bottom, improve the balloon materials, do compositing, add some house props. The balloon part is really hard. I will do this project some other time. Thanks for the feedback, though :slight_smile: