Personal Thoughts/Opinoins on the Forum

allow me to say that this is a beautiful thing that there is a forum just for Blender Nerds. That being said there are 2 items which I feel deserve some attention in the interest of communication. First, I feel that it would be beneficial to all for an “Attach” item to be included in posting options. Second, forum users should have the ability to view by post, or at least have a posting history which if accessed could include options to alert other posters who may have left a request. Simple solutions that would be vastly appreciated and utilized if made simple. Just, some thought. Appreciate you, btw

First, I feel that it would be beneficial to all for an “Attach” item to be included in posting options.
Already exists. Use the ‘Go Advanced’ option to enable attachments etc (subject to file type and size limitations)

Second, forum users should have the ability to view by post, or at least have a posting history which if accessed could include options to alert other posters who may have left a request.
You can view recent posts / threads of any user in their profile. You can subscribe to threads and set up for reply notifications (in your user settings) and use DMs / visitor meassages for requests etc.