Why the water hasn't the right strenght to reach and to fall at the end of the road ?


I’m playing with the fluid/water simulation and I want to reach this result. Instead,this is the result that I get,after having tried to follow the suggestions given on this post ,it does not work anyway. Also,I checked the normals and they are fine. In other words,the water hasn’t the right strenght to reach and to fall at the end of the road. I don’t understand where is the error. Any suggestion ? Thanks.

blender file attached here.

Hi marietto,

you could change the obstacle from shell to volume and for testing to no slip. Another thing you can play with is the start and end time options under your domain. Also the speed. If you set the end to 10 and the speed to about 10 there should be a difference and it should work maybe somehow i beliefe you expect how it should work. This settings are realy strange… it is not realy intuitiv to setup.
Time… as far as I could figure out depends on you render frame rate i believe. However… play with these settings until you are happy. Fluid settings are realy not easy to setup.

good luck!