Critique required

Hi all,

Past weeks I’ve been busy making some animations, I would like them to be firmly criticized. Here they come in random order. Feel free to burn them to the ground. But please also tell me what aspects u like about it. :slight_smile:

Thanks a bunch!

  1. The camera flows just a bit too slow for me and I feel like the camera doesn’t angle/rotate enough around the watch. 0:16-0:32
  2. I feel like the camera should show off more of the sign from more angles.
  3. Not comfortable commenting on this one.

ty for the input! I can imagine the last one seems a bit odd. I was looking at some stock animations and figured I wanted to make something relevant. Might as well been hurricane season.

Well, you’re not wrong. It is relevant. Scary relevant.

I like the watch one. Though the watch hands are thin. KLM one I was not shown the point fast enough and I was getting to where if I was the customer I would have switched off. Then when we see the things, the angle is weird, I want to get a better view of the moving things from a higher angle. Last one, the texturing needs more work and that is distracting. Bevel on the letters. The toxic barrels look small to me.

Thanks a bunch!

  1. watch- blue colour on the crown of the watch
  2. watch- more roughness
  3. klm- it was totally worst(sorry but truth is truth)
  4. north korea- small nuclear barrells
  5. north korea- less green emmission at the end.

Love the truth! Thx sir!

For the watch, I think it would be better if the early sections cross-faded like the last section. The problem I have is that you see the hard stop of the camera movement before it moves on to the next section.