How do you best file Music..?

I have thousands of pix, data videos, music videos and converted mp3’s all a huge mess… So far it’s all bunched-up ina mess of over 200 files, but now it’s becoming like a nightmare in three 1-tera external hard drives…
Some files need be sorted and/or converted and/or edited into various categories and types of pix for slideshows and pix editing, and tunes, deep mind, trance, meditation, pop, rock, nature sounds, conspiracy, survival instruction, gardening, mechanics, stuff that can’t be labeled, pix & videos, themes for new movies, cartoons and video games to send to the world’s writer’s guilds… Oyie! it’s all just too overwhelming… What be a good method to file pix, music, and videos…?

You can compress your large video, audio, movies to a small size:
Good luck.