File Selector and Image Loader problems

In the aim of loading an image and selecting a file I wrote the following code:
import Blender
from Blender import Window

def test1(fname):
print “TestFunc1”, fname

def test2(fname):
print “TestFunc2”, fname

Window.FileSelector(test1, “Select a File”,"*.blend")
Blender.Window.ImageSelector(test2,“Select an image”, ‘LOAD IMAGE’ )

When I run it I had the following problems

  1. The order of the functions was not exucuted as I expected? the File seletor window appeared first!
  2. There was no trace to Controls like The “Select a File” and “Cancel” in the Image seletor window?

I also found the following warning in the current API website:

Warning: script links are not allowed to call the File / Image Selectors. This is because script links global dictionaries are removed when they finish execution and the File Selector needs the passed callback to stay around. An alternative is calling the File Selector from another script (see Blender.Run)

My questions are:

How can the passed callback in the File Selector be made to stay around?
How to call the File selector from another script?
Is there an alternative?