Proper Curve texture mapping

I am trying to create a curve radial growing ring but the ramp gradient needs to map along the path. Has anyone experience on doing this kind of things with curves?

Be more specific. Tell us about the goal you are trying to achieve, show some examples. A ‘curve radial growing ring’ is not a thing. It’s unclear what you are after.

Sorry if that wasn’t clear enough. This is what I am trying to achieve. I’ve created a curve with another rectangle profile to bevel and grow along the curve. Now I have tried using the UV for mapping option as well as a generated texture coordinate. Using a jpg radial gradient as well as a radial gradient with nodes in Blender but I don’t quite get the same result.

I’ve managed to get some good result using the object mapping option.

You can check the Use UV for mapping option in the curve properties panel and then you get UV, so you can just use the x(matching red channel) value for your gradient and color it with color ramp:

Thanks for that man. How does the RGB work? Why not using XYZ? I see no difference in the result. Are those interchangeable?

Afaik, yes. Similarly you can do some “vector math” using color mix nodes.

Thanks CarlG

There is no reason. Separate RGB and Separate XYZ nodes are identical as far as I know. Colors are just values. Blender even takes negative values in color nodes. You can use color nodes for all sorts of things for example you can use MixRGB in multiply mode mixing UV vector with a single value plugged in the second color to adjust texture size.

Awesome, thanks for sharing that tip.