Transluscent cloth texture/shader

Hi, I want to texture cloth and get this kind of look.

I’m pretty bad with node, do you have any idea how I could achieve this ?

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:


This is exactly what I want know too. I know that we can put a texture with gray tones to define the translucent areas of an object. But I don’t know how to do this.

I’m not expert on cycles, so I can’t show you how to set up the material, though what you are after is a transparent material not a translucent one (although it can also have a certain amount of translucence).

What gives it such effect is glossiness vs transparence, then a Fresnel node is likely involved.
Furthermore the fact that transparence is due to small holes on the fabric rather than to an actual transparence of material, together with the thickness of the cloth, makes so that it becomes less transparent at grazing angles; this can also be simulated with a Fresnel or a Layer Weight node modulating the mixing of the Tranparent BSDF with the glossy/diffuse.


I did a 15 minute experiment, and this is what I came up with. Maybe a starting point.

Transparency - ability to see through object unhindered and without any light bending.
Translucency - allows diffuse (non directional) lighting of backside.
Refraction - allow specular (directional) lighting of backside with significant roughness. Use incoming as normal for single sided objects (no thickness). It’s still expensive.
Glossy - allow specular (directional) lighting of frontside. Usually white, but can be slightly saturated at facing angles to simulate how transparent fibers color the result.
Diffuse - allows diffuse (non directional) lighting of frontside.
Velvet - kind of a diffuse (non directional) that highlights grazing angles. Best used mixed with a diffuse shader. Backside has no counterpart for this.

The main material is generally a combination of those for the actual fabric, I suggest illuminating sample with a torch from front and behind to observe properties. That is then texture mixed with a transparency shader depending on fabric coverage/weaving. This is my approach when doing curtains (observe against sun in the back, not normal lights). It might be something similar for this. When everything looks good, save it out and then start experimenting what shaders you can omit while maintaining acceptable look. Get a feel for the true before taking shortcuts.

Just to give an idea of what I mean:

Thanks you all for your answers, I’m gonna try theses as soin as possible :slight_smile: