Bullet for particles in Blender 2.79

I’ve watched several tutorials about using the bullet physics for particles. I believe it used to be an add-on, but is part of the trunk in Blender’s last few versions. I am currently using 2.79, but I can’t seem to find out how to use it, if it is part of Blender now. Totally confused about this.

Bullet is used by the Blender Game Engine. Change to it where you select renderers such as Cycles. Example use:

So are you saying you can’t get these effects using Cycles render? I use Cycles and use nodes, etc. for rendering, for the realistic effect. None of the tutorials that I watched mentioned that you had to be in the Blender Game. Doesn’t the Blender game use its own render engine, and not Cycles? One example I saw was a container being filled with marbles. Quite simple looking, but I am sure they were in Cycles render. I will watch again to be certain. Thank you.

Bullet physics engine is only in the BGE which has its own renderer. However you can simulate there, bake the sim / turn on autokeyframe (Record button on Timeline), then apply materials and render in Cycles the keyed sim.

Edit: Cycles and Blender Render share other physics solvers which can indeed simulate marbles filling a container for example. Bullet isn’t necessary but can be combined with other renderers such as Cycles.

What are you trying to simulate?

I want to create a particle system, using various objects as the render particles. I want the particles to act like rigid bodies when they fall, etc. so that they hit, bounce, etc. not only off other objects, but also off each other. So for example to fill a container with marbles. I want it to be animated, and render in cycles.

That sounds familiar. This https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?441943 didn’t / doesn’t help? If not the above video illustrates an alternative for the simulation part of things.

Yes that was actually another thread that I had started a while ago. But nothing seems to look “right”. The particles just don’t behave like real objects. Maybe Blender isn’t capable of this kind of realism.

I want to simulate oil spill in sea water. Is it possible to use blender?
time scales are so high for example three or four days.
and place is at least 1km*1km

this might help ?

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