LoL Fan video : Veigar, the Tiny Mastercook of Evil

The Tiny Mastercook of Evil

FR :
Il y a quelques mois, j’ai découvert que Riot Games mettait à disposition la bande originale de son jeu, League of Legend, sur son site internet.
Comment décrirai-je la joie qui m’envahit en découvrant que mon personage favori avait droit à son propre thème?
Des semaines passèrent, mais l’idée était là : je devais mener le petit magicien à la vie. Restait à trouver la conviction de la mettre en oeuvre.
Les vacances d’été touchèrent à leur fin, l’horizon s’éclaircit dans mon emploi du temps et le temps d’écrire trois lignes de storyboard tout en modélisant les chapeaux de l’intéressé (oui, gros sens des priorités), le chantier était lancé. Quatre mois plus tard, voici le résultat, achevé dans les flammes de l’enfer (tel fut renommé mon ordinateur portable suite au crash de ma station fixe…).

A while ago, I discovered that Riot Games offered the soundtrack from League of Legend on its website.
And, oh surprise, my favorite character had his own track!
Time flew, but an idea kept growing. I had to bring the wizard to life and set forth his tale of darkness and magic.
Summer ended, light started its slow decline and Veigar’s grasp only strengthened over my soul. A work had to be done… For month later, here is the result, dug out of hellfire (the brand new name of my laptop after my work station snapped…).

Project information
Started 28th August 2017
Modeling, texturing, compositing, animating and video sequencing were all done in Blender (versions 2.78 & 2.79).

For stats lovers :

  • 44 blender files
  • 48 sequences rendered
  • 38 Go in the project folder (25 Go of models + 13 Go of frames and roadmap)
  • 1 gamer motherboard burned in the process (okay, that’s probably not only because of the project x)

I uploaded fire and hourglass models on Blendswap with the tag “TMCoE”.

Resources :

  • Textures come from (link below)
  • Lines have been drawn with “EdgeNode v2.4.1” from Blender NPR
    (link below)

Credits :

Other sites and resources commonly used :

Don’t hesitate to comment! :wink:

Okay the animation was interesting to watch. I felt like it took too long to get to the point of it all. After all of the enchanted objects were in place, there was just basically 2 minutes of the character stirring and cooking and I didn’t know exactly what he was brewing. I was about to move on from the video half way through. You have to learn not to take the scenic route unless it is really important to the story. Otherwise, get to the point already!

Yeah, I thought of shortening the video, but I also really wanted it to last the whole music duration. The clip was thought as a description of the character in the context of cooking. Though, you are right, it appeared that making the mana potion became all the point of it, so I probably should have focused on this goal and make it less repetitive.

I had a feeling that you wanted to create the clip to match the song. But you can still have the same impact if you shorten the song as well to match the footage.

Yes, I think you’ve got an important point there.
I started to do it but… well… something like “too much pride to surrender”, you know? x)
I don’t think that I’m going to work on it again (at least not yet), but this will help for my future projects.
Thank you for your tips! =)

No problem. Good luck on your future animations.