need help with a few ui things

A: how to remove the add meshes panel from the tool shelf in edit mode? “unregister_class” dose not seem to remove it like it dose everything else

B: how to set the 3d viewport as the active context

C: how to remove the default shortcut keys

its for an addon some guy wants me to make so dont worry about why any one would ever want this… not my problem so please no “why would you do this”

for A i am useing

gpclasses = [c for c in dir(bpy.types)
        if c.startswith("VIEW3D_PT_tools_add_object")

for c in gpclasses:
    cls = getattr(bpy.types, c)

for C i can do it by importing a key config but i would be best if i did not need to have an extra file thats needed for the addon to work

For A, your code works for me, assuming unregister_class = bpy.utils.unregister_class. Are you getting an error or just nothing happens?

nothing happens… as i said it works with everything else i tried to remove other than things from addons but i loaded factory settings and everything

ok update on B this seems to work to full screen it but it not setting it as active so other things still dont work… things like bpy.context.space_data.show_textured_solid = True

for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
        if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
            override = bpy.context.copy()
            override['area'] = area

another update on B i think i worked out everything thats needed for it… this seems to work for all other code

for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
        if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
            override = bpy.context.copy()
            override['area'] = area
            area.spaces[0].viewport_shade = 'SOLID'
            area.spaces[0].fx_settings.use_ssao = True
            area.spaces[0].show_only_render = True
            area.spaces[0].show_textured_solid = True

so now just A and C altho A could be because of a crazy addon thats not effected by restoring factory settings? dont know how to reinstall blender with out it using the meta from the other so i will just leave that for now