Converting plane to steps

Im trying to convert a simple plane to steps a friend of mine did it on 3dsmax
but i have no idea what tools to use in blender or if its even possible here is a video
of the proccess in max i would appreciate any help Thanks

Alt+V to rip connected in the mouse cursor direction, snapping to get them level either vertically or horizontally.

Also never do sequential selections like in the video you linked to.

ctrl+right mouse to select shortest path from the active mesh element to the one you’re pointing at, which eliminates the need for shift+selecting many mesh elements in a sequence.

thank you for your help the only thing i don’t understand is the last snap when i tried to do it it snaps to the point not straight down

Grab and lock to axis. G, Z, holding down ctrl and pointing to axis will snap the closest vertex to the target along Z.