Blender Fast Carve addon 0.5.2

The fast carve addon is in version now, I added a video showing the new features:

  • Boolean Intersect
  • Auto apply scale before beveling
  • Quick select target object

getting better and better. good job!!

But is true that carve code are dropped from the master or not?

It is true, the Carve library’s development has largely been abandoned and the Bmesh Booleans are far faster and work better in many situations. Then there’s the lowered overhead of not having to maintain two algorithms that should do the same thing.

There’s still a few areas where Carve might give better results, but there’s been plans to work on that.

Personally I really love the choice between these two as they cover 99% of scenarios. If you drop either, it’s like 70%. Here’s an example:

For example sometimes when working with game buildings it’s not always possible to make a solid object in which case behavior of Carve is ideal. There are of course situations where Bmesh behavior is desired. They are both correct
 Remove one and we have a problem

That’s what I said but they still removed carve :frowning:

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Hi CĂ©dric,

Is the removal of the Carve library the cause of the Carver MT add-on not working properly anymore in the daily master builds of Blender 2.79?

I really hope that will be fixed soon, as I love Carver MT, and use it a lot.

Maybe don’t know, I’m not the dev of carver.

Ah, sorry, it was stored in my bad memory that you developed the add-on. :slight_smile:

Luckily I turn out not to be completely senile, as your name is mentioned among the authors of Carver MT. :slight_smile:

It should be removed, I wasn’t part of the development and wasn’t aware of the addon until it was released.
The only thing I did was to test and report bugs.

Never edited the code, not my level :frowning:

Well, I admire your coding / scripting skills for Speedsculpt. Also use that a lot, and can recommend it to any Blender user.

Thank you :wink:

very nice addon but i have this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\asse\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\fast-carve-master\”, line 26, in execute
execute_boolean_op(context, target_obj, 0)
File “C:\Users\asse\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\fast-carve-master\”, line 76, in execute_boolean_op
bool_mod_and_apply(current_obj, bool_method)
File “C:\Users\asse\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\fast-carve-master\”, line 26, in bool_mod_and_apply
bool_mod.solver = ‘CARVE’
AttributeError: ‘BooleanModifier’ object has no attribute ‘solver’

location: :-1

how can I fix it?
blender 2.79.5 in win7
tnx :slight_smile:

Hi guys. When they drop carver they will certainly have improved BMesh. The changes in the addon will be one line of code so that it will work with BMesh again.

Hi @jayanam, I get the same error as @afranx, using latest build of 2.79 (2.79.6 downloaded yesterday), any idea what could be wrong? I will try do look at the code and see if I can find something.

I found that in “”, the “bool_mod” object has no “solver” method:

>>> active_obj =
>>> bool_mod ="BOOLEAN", name="FC_BOOL")
>>> dir(bool_mod)
['__doc__', '__module__', '__slots__', 'bl_rna', 'debug_options', 'double_threshold', 'name', 'object', 'operation', 'rna_type', 'show_expanded', 'show_in_editmode', 'show_on_cage', 'show_render', 'show_viewport', 'type', 'use_apply_on_spline']

Commenting line 26 solves the problem (same as you did in your 2.8 branch):

#bool_mod.solver = 'CARVE'

Hey guys, I commented out the solver , please try again with then new code.