Activate character Seeking once Near Sensor has activated

The attached image show the logic setup used to open door and start the Skeleton man seeking the player. From my understanding, the Seeking should start once BOTH the near sensor and Always sensor are true.

However, that is not what is happening, the skeleton starts to seek the player as soon as the game begins and before the near sensor is triggered. Can someone explain please. Blend file is rather large (16 M) so i just attached an image

your always sensor always trigger the seek actuator.

Simply connect the always with the AND of near brick

1 brick connected to an AND means when the brick is true, do stuff.
2 bricks connected to an AND means both sensors need to be true in order to execute stuff.

that wont work.
the player need to be close to the near sensor for that to work, when the player moves away from the near sensor the Skeleton would stop

it would be better to have a property sensor instead of the always sensor.