weighted random in python

here is a piece of code i created to generate loot from a loot table where every object has a weight that decides how often it gets picked.

import random

def genLootFromTable(count=2,table=None):
        if table:
            tmp = []
            out = []
            for item in table:
               itm = table[item]
               t = [ item ] * itm
               tmp += t
            for c in range(count):
                out += [random.choice(tmp)]
            return out

the loot table used is a dictionary like this

loottable = {"stone":200,"stick":200,"Apple":50,"Super Rare Ring":1,"Silver Armor":10}

working example

import random

def genLootFromTable(count=2,table=None):
        if table:
            tmp = []
            out = []
            for item in table:
               itm = table[item]
               t = [ item ] * itm
               tmp += t
            for c in range(count):
                out += [random.choice(tmp)]
            return out

#--- testing start -----

loottable = {"stone":200,"stick":200,"Apple":50,"Super Rare Ring":1,"Silver Armor":10}

out = {}
loot = genLootFromTable(1000,loottable)

for item in loot:
    if item in out:
        out[item] += 1
        out[item] = 1

#--- testing end -----

here the output shows the distribution over 1000 iterations

sample output: {‘stick’: 416, ‘stone’: 438, ‘Apple’: 124, ‘Super Rare Ring’: 2, ‘Silver Armor’: 20}

most common use is this

lootcount = 3 
loot = genLootFromTable(lootcount,loottable)


sample output : [‘stick’, ‘stone’, ‘stone’]

A heads up, Python3.6 now includes support for this in the random module with random.choices

yes i know, but i wanted it to be useful in older versions of blender to :smiley:

here is a version that works almost the same as the one in python 3.6, but this one works in older versions of python (i have tested it under python 2.7, 3.5 and 3.6)

from random import random,choice
from bisect import bisect
import operator

def accumulate(iterable, func=operator.add):
    it = iter(iterable)
        total = next(it)
    except StopIteration:
    yield total
    for element in it:
        total = func(total, element)
        yield total
def weightedRandom(items, weights=None, count=1):

        if weights is None:
            total = len(items)
            return [items[int(random() * total)] for i in range(count)]
        accumulated_weights = list(accumulate(weights))

        if len(accumulated_weights) != len(items):
            raise ValueError('The number of weights does not match the items')
        total = accumulated_weights[-1]
        return [items[bisect(accumulated_weights, random() * total)] for i in range(count)]

def genLootFromTable(count=2,table=None):
    out = [None]
    if table:
        out = weightedRandom(list(table.keys()),list(table.values()),count)
    return out
#--- testing start -----

loottable = {"stone":50,"stick":50,"Apple":50,"Super Rare Ring":1,"Silver Armor":10}

loot = genLootFromTable(3,loottable)

test = dict(
    a = 100,
    b = 5,
    c = 1,

import random

def weighted_choice(data):
    total = sum(data.values())
    x = random.random() * total

    current = 0
    for item, weight in data.items():
        current += weight
        if x <= current:
            return item

    return item

I feel like this would be slightly easier ?

I tested using this:

stats = dict()
for i in range(1000000):
    item = weighted_choice(test)
    stats.setdefault(item, 0)
    stats[item] += 1

print(stats, sum(stats.values()))

# {'a': 943419, 'b': 47160, 'c': 9421} 1000000

this is some nice code and it works as intended, so i took a good look at it and made a few test and i discovered that it is not that fast ,the code i posted in #5 is almost twice as fast

here is some test results. (i used the timeit module for this)

python3 test.py
{‘stick’: 36, ‘Silver Armor’: 7, ‘stone’: 28, ‘Apple’: 29} 100
{‘stone’: 30, ‘stick’: 33, ‘Apple’: 31, ‘Silver Armor’: 4, ‘Super Rare Ring’: 2} 100

python3 test.py
{‘stone’: 36, ‘stick’: 34, ‘Apple’: 27, ‘Silver Armor’: 3} 100
{‘Apple’: 32, ‘stone’: 36, ‘stick’: 25, ‘Silver Armor’: 6, ‘Super Rare Ring’: 1} 100

python3 test.py
{‘stick’: 310379, ‘Apple’: 310919, ‘stone’: 310433, ‘Silver Armor’: 62124, ‘Super Rare Ring’: 6145} 1000000
{‘Silver Armor’: 62359, ‘Apple’: 311052, ‘stone’: 310701, ‘stick’: 309805, ‘Super Rare Ring’: 6083} 1000000

python3 test.py
{‘Apple’: 310332, ‘stone’: 310754, ‘stick’: 310318, ‘Silver Armor’: 62356, ‘Super Rare Ring’: 6240} 1000000
{‘Apple’: 311073, ‘stone’: 310514, ‘stick’: 310050, ‘Silver Armor’: 62150, ‘Super Rare Ring’: 6213} 1000000

Indeed, although it depends on what grounds you measured…

At first I timed my version against yours comparing multiple executions: mine is 4x faster.
But indeed, once we generate multiple items using your argument ‘count’ yours is faster (thanks to bisect)

Yet I felt like yours was kinda ugly x)

Also, doing list(table.values()) and list(table.keys()) makes me worry about the fact that there is no garranty that the relation key/value is kept between the indexes of the two lists.

What I mean is that dicts ensure a correspondance between a key and a value. But using the .keys() and .values() might break it.

So I tried my best to fix it:

def fast_weighted_choices(data, count = 1):

    # ensuring a correct correspondance between key/value
    items = [item for item in data]
    values = [data[item] for item in items]

    # accumulating the weights for bisect
    current = 0
    accumulated = []
    for value in values:
        current += value

    # returning a random item using bisect
    total = accumulated[-1]
    return [items[bisect(accumulated, total * random())]
        for _ in range(count)]

This is also very slightly faster than your version. Although at the end of the day, its the same idea behind.

Gist with my tests:

Also, returning [None] looks weird to me, why not returning an empty list ?

def genLootFromTable(count=2, table=None):
    out = []
    if table:
        items = [item for item in table]
        values = [table[item] for item in items]
        out = weightedRandom(items, values, count)
    return out

yes its kind of ugly but that’s not whats important and the None in there is a leftover from something i was trying so just ignore it.

and about the 2 list thing ,there is a good reason for this and if you look closely you can see it do a different thing based on if you omit the
weighted list or not.

i have update my code do to some good feedback from WKnight02

here is the current version

def choices(items, weights=None, count=1):

        if weights is None:
            total = len(items)
            return [items[int(random() * total)] for i in range(count)]
        # accumulating the weights for bisect
        current = 0
        accumulated_weights = []
        for value in weights:
            current += value

        if len(accumulated_weights) != len(items):
            raise ValueError('The number of weights does not match the items')
        total = accumulated_weights[-1]
        return [items[bisect(accumulated_weights, random() * total)] for i in range(count)]


items = ["stick","stone","pot"]
weights = [5,5,1]
out =  choices(items,weights,count=5)

# -or- if weights is omitted  
# this is basically the same as " out = [random.choice(items) for i in range(count) ] "

out =  choices(items,count=5)