Vertex Groups Bug

I think Blender is bugging on my side. I have a bunch of vertex groups on a mesh, and everytime I want to delete one, it deletes everything that isn’t locked. Note, I’m only pressing the “-” symbol, not the “Delete all unlocked groups”.

Which means I can’t now delete any vertex group, instead I need to remove it all influence, otherwise it will delete everything.

Has anyone experienced this bug before? And is there a way to solve it besides starting a new file?

That happened to me once. I didn’t figure it out. I just locked all groups then unlocked the one I wanted to delete. It stopped happening after a while, dunno what I did.

That’s also one way of doing it. But it’s so strange.

Well, it bugs sometimes. This is not the only one I’ve encountered :slight_smile: And it’s complex enough that it’s hard to tell whether something is a bug or a feature in the first place.

Had this problem again, paid more attention to it. Resolved on quitting and restarting Blender.