speed up workflow switching faster between the interaction modes only with the mouse

I wanna ask you if someone want to consider to write an addon that I have in mind from some time. It’s intended to speed up the workflow when we have to switch between object / edit / pose mode and from the mesh to the armature and viceversa. So,I thought to a new combination of buttons that we can press when we need to do that. I know that there is the pie menu,but I don’t use it so much,because I don’t want to leave the mouse buttons when I need to change the interaction mode. So,I created this scheme,please consider it and try it,tell me if you could work faster with it not…

  1. from (mesh,object) to (mesh,edit) using 2 fast clicks with the right mouse button over the mesh

  2. from (mesh,object) to (armature,edit) using 2 fast clicks with the right mouse button over the armature

  3. from (mesh,object) to (armature,pose) using 1 click with the third mouse button (or with the mouse wheel) over the armature

  4. from (mesh,edit) to (mesh,object) using 2 fast clicks with the left mouse button over the mesh

  5. from (mesh,edit) to (armature,object) using 1 click with the right mouse button over the armature

  6. from (mesh,edit) to (armature,edit) using 2 fast clicks with the left mouse button over the armature

  7. from (mesh,edit) to (armature,pose) using 2 fast clicks with the third mouse button (or with the mouse wheel) over the armature

  8. from (armature,obj) to (mesh,edit) using 1 click with the third mouse button (or with the mouse wheel) over the mesh

  9. from (armature,obj) to (armature,edit) : ?

  10. from (armature,obj) to (armature,pose) : ?

  11. from (armature,pose) to (mesh,edit) using 2 fast clicks with the third mouse button (or with the mouse wheel) over the mesh

  12. from (armature,pose) to (armature,edit) : ?

  13. from (armature,pose) to (armature,obj) : ?

As you can see,there are 4 combinations of modes that can’t be mapped using a 3 buttons mouse. So,here the idea is to buy a cheap mouse with the 4 or the 5 button. There are a lot of these all around. But then,blender will support the additional buttons ? What do you think ? let me know…

You could have a look here

I found this :

it’s the magic mouse from apple. My question is : using this mouse,can I switch from a mode to another one only using the mouse ? I want to cover all the 13 combinations of modes using only the mouse.

I use Ox X and I’ve never, ever used a mouse.
I only use trackpad; it does exactly the same. Save your money.
Apple devices have superior quality, anyway; my pc trackpads doesn’t stand anywhere near it.
So if you’re Win user, get a mouse or buy a tablet…

I think you can do this with pie menu editor. https://blendermarket.com/products/pie-menu-editor