Need help making objects that emit light around

Hello guys, I am making this low poly graveyard scene.It is too dark, I want to use few planes as the lighting objetcs. If you look at the attachement - the poles specifically you can see what I mean. The plane on the pole is not delivering any light around. I had this fixed by putting a normal point light on the poles, but it did not look too good (the same way it is in the entrance). I have a feeling this might be fixes using a glossy shader on the other materials, but I tried and hate the way it looks. I also want to make a little river to the scene - also green, and I also want it to emit light around. You can see my emission set up on the right bar. Thank you :).


diffuse mat won’t reflect much light anyway
you need some gloss to get some specular reflections!

happy cl

light falloff node might help, but why not use a hdri to get some light in the scene?

Thx, but is there a way to make a lamp out of the object without the need to add gloss to all of the other materials ?

just add a plane with some emission

but you cold add some world to bring up the light level on the scene too

but if all mat are diffuse don’t expect to have a lot of specular reflections

is this with cycles or BL internal ?

happy cl

Thank you. The plane has an emission added and does not englihten the area around it at all. It is the cycles.

Maybe you want to try a setup like in the .blend here below. It’s a bigger emitting plane above the visible emitting object what is excluded from rendering but is emitting more light in the scene.

030918.blend (1.2 MB)

Yup thats it, thank you, but is there a way to make the small plane emit such light ? Because I dont want to enlight my scene evenly, just on the poles. So should I make like 6 planes on top of my scene in the same order as the poles are ?

Like already said, the light falloff node can help with that. Look at the example here below and play with the strength value of that node to get the desired result.

030918b.blend (1.48 MB)

Thx. Sorry for late reply. It is not bad, defo better results :slight_smile: