Texturing big surfaces for far and close viewig

Hello everyone,

I’m doing some architectural modeling and I have a quickey question regarding how to texture walls and floors.

When I model characterse or object I unwrap them and using Gimp of Photoshop I create diffuse, normal, bump, specular, etc. maps and I apply to my model.

I found harder to do this on big surfaces like walls or floors as these can be seen from a very close to a very long distance. Applying a very huge map would slow down a lot the process while a small one would reveal pixels and imperfections on a close range.

I saw there are plenty of tutorials that use tilable maps, but in some cases these look repetitive.

Does someone know where I can find a nice tutorial on the subject?

I’mean modeling an underground station with tiles on the wall. The walls are “dirty” here and there (so the dirtiness would be seen repeating if tiled).

Should I use multitexturing? Can I apply dirt etc. on a different UV? Questions are a lot but I’made sure that someone had the same doubts and found a solution to the problem in the past.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me guys

I usually mix image based textures with procedurally generated textures, and/or manipulating texture coordinates with some math nodes, and/or blending several image textures using procedurally created textures. Textures that have a visible directionality to them (such as wood grain) are harder to blend as you can’t add some random rotation to them.

Working with 2D projections are much preferred, since using box mapping (image only without node setup) you basically can’t do any kind of manipulations (rotate in one and it will stretch in others).

A key thing to have around for such manipulations is a custom mapping node that let’s you control all the variations using inputs rather than some fixed slider value.

Note that my typical work is usually limited to relatively clean office spaces though :slight_smile:

look into “detail maps”