Apply particles to curved vertex group

Hey guys

So I have this beerglass modelled… And I want to add some drops and condensation to the glass.
I have set up a particlehair system for the drops…but im not sure how to apply this properly to specific parts of the glass

I selected the faces of the glass that I want covered in drops… then I assigned a vertex group to that selection
I select the glass, and put the drop particle system on it… then I go to ‘vertex group’ and select the vertexgroup I created in the ‘density’ field…

i thought this would be enough…but it keeps just applying the drops to the entire object.

In the pic below i first tried it on a basic cube…but same results:

so im probably missing something very simple… but i dont know what

thank you in advance for your help

maybe this helps a bit… cheers!:

You can go to weight paint mode and draw in the areas you want the drops to be. Then go into object or edit mode. Select the particle settings and scroll down to the bottom where it has density. Click in that box and you can select the weight painted group you made and you will see that the particles change to where you painted them in, if it is opposite just click the left right arrow next to density to invert the weight paint.