Blender crash when I change scene or layout.

I am making a game in Blender and now I have some problem I never had so it is not because of my computer. I am working on Windows 10. I have latest version of Blender.

I was making third level of my game and when I tried to go to differwnt scene Blender turned off. This is also happening when I change layout. Blender just turning off with no information or error. I checked in CMD console what error is when Blender crash and there was only: “Exception_Access_Volation”. Why this is happening? In some script I also saw Error: loop in parent. Please help!

There can be a lot of reasons for this. What I do to find the reason for the problem is Save the blend, delete all objects in the scene(s) or layer(s) that I suspect are causing the problems. Then try doing what you were going to do originally: “change scene or layout”. If Blender crashes, close the blend, re-open, then delete something else in the blend. Keep repeating this process until blender does not crash after deleting something. That thing you will have just deleted is causing the problem.

Open the .blend1 file (rename it remove the 1, don’t forget to backup the original .blend first) and see if it has the problem as well.
avoid opening .blend files from other blender version as much as possible, it can make blender corrupt.

Are you lib loading scenes? If so, check to see that you do not have “expensive” logic brick sensors, like radar, or Near, in the lib loaded scene. This will crash Blender, (for me, at least) every time.

I tried everything but I can not delete one scene. I noticed that there is some problem with second scene. I can’t even touch any object from this scene from Outliner window. And I can’t go to any Layout which is showing this scene.

I have some object in first scene and I linked those objects to second (problematic) scene. Then I linked those object from second scene to third scene. Maybe I shouldn’t do that?