Ocean Modifier - wrapping around a cube?

Good day

I have been looking for a way to use the ocean modifier - but wrap it around a cube , sphere etc…
Is this possible at all - or must I play around with the displacement modifier and the position of the texture instead?

I found some samples on stack overflow etc. but nothing that really generated a good ocean look and feel - like the ocean modifier does well…

Any ideas?

Thank you

Hi ian,

as far as i know it is not possible with ocean modifier. ocean modifier only works on plane geometry.
Displacement modifier is a good way to do it. but animating a constant convincing “noise” or “wavesize” is not possible on volumes since there is no seed value for procedural textures.
There ares some tricks around it. You could use two ore more displacement modifiers and two or more empties for texture coordinates and animate the scale of them agains each other and use two ore more different procedural textures.
It is also possible to use micropoly displacement but the procedural textures in blender do not have that seed value too. I created some “advanced noise textures” for may personal use inside blender with a noise seed value but they are not available at the moment but it works. I mean it is possible but can not provide them at the moment. If you like to do that Play with blenders procedural texture nodes and some vector nodes.

btw. ocean modifier has magic texture as a base procedural texture as far as i can tell from what i see. Good luck!