Bump texture not showing in Material or Render mode

Hey there !
I read previous threads on the subject but I didn’t do their mistakes.

I really can’t guess were I went wrong, but Bumps aren’t showing, even with extreme changes.

I made the following set up for realistic skin, as in the video (URL below).

URL : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktsyL2Kp5bQ&t=82s

Thank you a lot for your time,
Wasted too many hours on that.

Hi Mr-sev,

You’ve specified the Distance value to 0 in your Bump node. That’s why there no any bumps.

Also bump maps should be set as non-color data.

Hi everyone, thanks for the replies, but I still run into issues :

You’ve specified the Distance value to 0 in your Bump node. That’s why there no any bumps.

=> When I change Distance value and make brutal changes to the Bump map, results are very odd. But something happens, it’s a start.
=> IMG

Also bump maps should be set as non-color data.

But the texture image node has a color output, I don’t know any other way, as I’m quite new to nodes and Cycles.
Do you have an alternative?

I think I’ll end up sculpting a normal map, should look better too.

After puttig Distance to >0 , I couldn’t preview the changes of the Bump map.
I had to save it first, then render.
And doesn’t work in Material Mode.

In image texture node, you see, it set as color data, but you can change Color data to Non color data.
Bump map need to be set as “non color” data. (normal map need to be set as non color data too)
it can be changed in " image texture" , out put use color is right.

Are you joking? :smiley: Distance of 1000 most likely(depending on your scene size) means bumps are 1 km size. How about trying 0.003 or something. How do you step from 0 straight to 1000?..