Deforming one Curve with a another Curve


i m trying to drive a high density curve (lots of knots) with a low desnity curve. Is there any way to do that?

Hi, yes, use empties or bones constrained to the low density curve using follow path constraints and hook the vertices or the high density curve to those empties/bones (ctrl+h or through modifier panel)

Not quit sure if i get you. You mean putting the same amount of empties on a path constraint that equals the number of verts from the hi density curve, then hooking each vertex of the hi dense curve to an emtpy on that path constraint?

Yes exactly. You can also use curve modifier, but I find it hard to make it match exactly with the low def curve.

Yes, i thought of that, and i did something simliar in 3ds max once. The only thing that nags me is the percentual distribution of the path contraint wich could be kinda innacurate. Yesterday, i had an idea to use a spline ik driven bonechain instead of a curve, this might be easier to script, we’ll see. Thanks Hadriscus for let me picking your brain. Cheers.