Custom Markers - Text quality in VSE

Hi everybody.

I am trying to draw on the sequence editor by using bgl and blf python modules. All good with bgl (drawing a vertical line), but when it comes to text, it would render at a very low resolution (I am using PRE_VIEW or POST_VIEW as I need the text to be stick to the frame it refers to).

My aim is to draw some extra Markers to organize automatic trimming of videos: default markers do the trimming and extra markers do some grouping.

In order to better understand the issue, I am trying to get a visualization similar to the cursor line when it also shows the current frame.

How can I improve the text quality?

A solution I have investigated, that would also permit to keep the text always visible, is to use POST_PIXEL and adjust the horizontal position according to the scrolling of the timeline behind, but I don’t seem to find any means of asking the sequencer window the portion of timeline shown (start-end frame or center frame and zoom level).

Does anybody know how to help me on this?

Thank you in advance for any help.

I’ve found the solution myself.
The answer is in
bpy.context.region.view2d.view_to_region(frame, channel, clip=False)
which returns the x window coordinate correspoding to the frame and the y window coordinate corresponding to the channel.

Hence, I derive the x from the frame to let the label stick to the frame position and the y from the window height to always keep the text on the top of the window.