
This artwork was inspired by the recent spacex launch when real life iron man Elon Musk tossed a car into space with a dummy called starman in the drivers seat because he can. So starman stopped over at an alien planet to refuel where he picked up a hitchhiker, now they continue their journey with his new friend to klazablar planet in sector G9 jamming to logic’s new Bobby Tarantino 2.

Ha-haa…! Great idea. I like it!


One thing is missing in this picture : a towel.

lol, a towel? haha how?

And a speechbubble saying: “Cthulhu fhtagn! Lets go to Mars!”

Sorry, I thought you named this piece Hitchhiker as a reference the the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. So, nevermind

i’m about to watch it right now…looks like an awesome movie

Oh, not a good idea.
The movie is breaking the book (and not in a good way) especially towards the end. Either read the book or listen to the audio book on Audible.
I mean, the the movie is watchable but that’s only because Martin Freeman is saving the day for it. Just don’t take it as the actual Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. There’s so much more to it.

audiobook it is, thanks

The radio series is the next best way to go if you can find them, bit rare to see on yt now though.