HELP !!! Blender issues

Hello guys :slight_smile:

I have some two questions for blender (using BI render).

I have some video that I want to import as a movie clip for VSE. Everything goes ok when I add it as a movie, but when I add it as a texture it seems it adds a blur on top of it also. Why is that happening if original movie file did not have that blur ? I try with this settings for the texture but didn’t have any improvement :frowning:

Is there a way to use texture as a movie strip in VSE, but to exclude blender compositor option? What I mean is to create some kind of empty object in VSE from which I can load that texture ?

thanks in advance :slight_smile:

  1. disabling interpolation, mipmaps, ewa filter with 0.1 size gets rid of the blurriness on the test video I tried. Can’t know why it doesn’t for you without test files
  2. Not that I know of. Scene strip can show what is in the 3D view when changing the preview. Could also use images as images, and bake procedural textures.