[Q] Do preset actually help, size difference makes a lot of difference (metric)

I keep wondering about cloth settings and if they really are useful. I tend to model in metric system. When i have a preset made for a flag of say 150 x 300cm, when i then apply this to a banner which is 70 x 300cm. It acts completely different.

Yet the subdivisions are sort the same. So do all settings also take notice of the total surface space of a mesh?

I cant seem to find about these particular cases

IVe attached a scene, where i set the regular presets right (silk, leather, denim, cotton). Then the left are my adjust settings of these basics. I can seem to find a proper tuning.

Does anyone know how i can keep cache. Ive named the cache file and uncheck disk. But when for instance edit the UV unwrapping. It looses its cahce, while mesh isnt changed??

The flags with the bend, have a bit different quads then normal. I wasnt sure what the correct method should be in this case


Banner test models.blend (3.83 MB)

Hi romb,

it has to do with your wind forcefield and pinning and different shapes and sizes. lots of and `s . I tested a bit and think the link to the scene shows a bit what i mean.

  1. when your flags are in a completely different posiitions and rotation than the forcefield affects them completely different.
  2. If you have completely different shapes of the flags and different pinning they behave different.
  3. If you test arraound and place the flags at the same position they should behave like the others. ( until you change them to different cloth presets)
    The size matters :wink: and also the quad resolution or quadsize… it has to do with calculation between the vertices i beliefe. If they are far from each other it makes a difference how the mesh behaves.
  4. For me it is also not possible to keep the cache for cloth sims. Tried a lot of things like backup the cached files. There is also no option “external” like we have for particles… no idea… would be nice to have because that is realy realy irritating.
    You can export the sim as alembic file and reimport it but thats not what we want.

link to your scene with some tests:

hope everything helps a bit.