Installing pip packages in blender... via import!

Saw this and thought this might be interesting for addon’s needing packages from pip:

On Mac OS High Sierra you can install PIP3 by finding the python binary in the Blender application install. Then just run the ‘’ script using that executable.



This works just fine. PIP3 executable script its then installed in the same path as the python binary.

/Applications/Blender/ install numpy

So far I have installed numpy, matplotlib, pandas, psycopg2, and several other libraries into Blender python. As a test I generated a Matplotlib plot from Blender to a PNG file and then loaded it as a texture into a material for rendering on an object. Works great!

Just as a note: Matplotlib will not open figure (GUI) from Blender. It will render figures to files though.
Psycopg2 allows connection to PostgresSQL relational database.

Have fun.