Cloth physics won't work on rigify??

Its been quite a while since I last came on this forum.

I made a somewhat short video detailing the cloth physics problem on my YouTube channel:

The left model is the rigify model and the right model uses a rig from scratch.

I really don’t know how to solve this one. People may suggest “why don’t you use the old rig?” - Well, I could, but there are arm twisting problems where the arm snaps very strangely after rotating her arm more than 30 degrees (this was showcased on a different video I made, before I used rigify).

Thankfully, the rigify rig doesn’t do this at all, and the legs and torso animation for the rigify version is a lot better and easier to control.

However, I can still rig my character’s hair whilst waiting for the answer for cloth physics not working. So for now, I’ll just disable the physics. I heard someone else had a similar problem, but they didn’t use rigify?

can you show us the cloth, collision and world settings or can you provide both files?

Sure, I can provide both files. What I tend to do is delete everything except the part which is wrong. Would it be ok if I send you the files with just the arms and sleeves since that’s where the problem is? Whats the best method for me to send you it?

sure…just do it. make sure that the problem also exist with deleted parts. and everything is clear in your files… or send me the complete files outside that forum.
hope i can help you.

Here you go:

Version which doesn’t work with new rig:

Version which does work, but with old rig:

The thing is, it does take a while to figure out whats wrong, because last year, I had a different problem and it took me over a week (using the blenderartist forum here) to realize I needed to weight paint. I have sorted out weight painting so no worries about that one.

You scaled your meshes down but didn’t scale your collision and cloth distances down. So you are telling Blender repel this thing the same blender units as when your mesh was larger. Change all your distance measures in collision and cloth physics and it will work fine. Just multiply the distances by .17 scale you have on your mesh.

Nothing to do with the rig.

Ah, so that’s where I’m going wrong. Hold on, I can’t seem to find the option for changing distance measures. There’s so many options in the physics list and I can’t seem to find one option for “distance measures”. I tested one random option for cloth and it crashed my system and it wasn’t the right one. So… where exactly is this option?

You need to change all if them. Start with your body. The outer and inner are in blender units. Change these. Same on sleeves. Look at your cloth collision in your physics for distance on your sleeve and change that as well. You can just multiply the current value by .17 by putting in an asterisk and .17 after the current value hit enter. That should get you going. There are not that many.Rigify_rig_problem.blend (3.46 MB)

here you go.

I tried this a few moments ago, but the system crashes and the sleeves “fly” out, which isn’t what I want. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

Is it possible for you to show a video explaining this?

oops put the file in the previous response.
See above.

Cheers mate. I looked at the settings you provided and its now FIXED. Yay, … that’s the way, ah-ha ah-ha I like it!

Celebrations aside, now I understand where you got the 0.17 from. Its from the scale tab when it said “0.171” for x, y, z. The reason I had to re-scale her was because I tested out Unreal Engine 4 one time. She ended up being a giant on a 3d level. She was 10+ meters tall so when I went back to blender, I realised she was way too large in metres. So I resized her, hence the physics problem.

I’m guessing if I use cloth physics in future reference I need to watch out for the scale values and set the values multiplied by 0.17 right? At least stick to 0.17 multiplier for my current model.

Edit: Hold on, the sleeves work fine, but whenever I try the same settings for the skirt, it doesn’t work. Ah, ya know what, I’ll leave the skirt part for another time.

But than that, thanks Piet and Stilltrying for communicating. :^)