Using Append???

When I import a blend file model, using Append, it’s parts are seemingly scattered? Here is is the file:

Is there an additional step/steps that I’m unaware of? Putting these pieces to their proper location seems nearly impossible!?!

cant look at the file on my phone, but is there a parent object you didnt import?

Thanks, Daedalus_MDW, for the quick reply. I’ve imported everything within the Objects folder, which includes two “DUMMY.Group01” files???

to me the blend is just bad. nothing you can do about that.

Just for my understanding:
The file you linked to here, is that the file you appended that object from (aka the source file)?
Or the file you appended it to (aka your target file)?

If it is the latter, you might want to also upload the source file, so we can analyze what might have gone wrong.
If it is the former, there’s indeed not much you can do, as appending a garbage object can only result in garbage.

IkariShinjl - It’s the “former”, and I’ve come to the same conclusion. I’ve disassociated the parenting and, piece by piece, trying to reconstruct it…PAIN! Thanks also to Daedalus_MDW for the help - spot on!