append entire scene python to current scene

ive been googling a bit already regarding this question.
Ive seen the bpy.ops.wm.append() method as well as the method, but still cant figure this out.

How can i merge an external file 's content into my current scene via python?

the examples ive found do need to specify the “category”/“group” of the file so i did something like this:

with as (data_from, data_to):
    for section in dir(data_from):
        files = []
        print('***** Section ' + section + ' ******')
        for name in getattr(data_from, section):
            files.append({'name' : name})
        #data_to_category = getattr(data_to, section)
        #data_from_category = getattr(data_from, section)
        #data_to_category = data_from_category
        if files:
            bpy.ops.wm.append(directory=myfile+"\" + section.capitalize() + "\", files=files)
            #bpy.ops.wm.append(directory=myfile+'\\*\\', files=files)

although this makes blender crash!

Im starting from this point:

with as (data_from, data_to):
    files = []
    for obj in data_from.objects:
        files.append({'name' : obj})
    bpy.ops.wm.append(directory=myfile+'\\Object\\', files=files)

This works and brings all objects from the myfile blend file into my current new scene.

How can i bring everything without the need to specify a category like “Object”? Is there no other way than go category by category performing same actions? what if there are custom categories defined in the blend file by the another user? Im looking for something like a wildcard something to be able to do:

bpy.ops.wm.append(directory=myfile+'\\*\\', files= files

for example.

Another thing that would suit me for good is a way to retrieve all category names in a blend file. Ive inspected a little bit the “data_from” object but with no luck for this. This way, i would be able to copy all objects category by category.