Cylinder UV distortion

I can’t figure out the problem here, both of them have almost the same topology, and unwrapped the same way, the distorded one have longer polygons. I tried some diffrente approach but could only make it better by inserting a loop, but maybe there is a better way to solve this?

I made that question on polycount, a guy answer it, but my brain is way too s#@! to understand that.

This was his answer: Select the offending face and Ctrl+T. Once it is broken down into triangles Shift+right-click neighbouring PAIRS then Ctrl+J to join them together into a Quad. You might have a few stray triangles (which is ok), but unwrapping should then work as expected.

What he means by ‘‘Ctrl+J to join them together into quads’’? in the blender manual to convert tri to quat the hk is Alt-J, and Ctrl+J is to join objects, im confused, maybe someone can explain to me in a noob/potato way?


Switching between Angle Based and Conformal should always be the first you try when you get UV distortion.
Also, make sure you’re triangulating the mesh if you’re sending it to a game or something.

Edit: He probably meant alt+j to quadrify triangles. Grouping objects is irrelevant to UV.

The problem is that you have ngons. Non-planar ngons. Angle Based unwrapping doesn’t understand it too well. Instead you can use Conformalto do a more constrained unwrap. Conformal works best for straight geometry.

Works perfectly, thank you for clarify it!