Problem with Rigify Spine Bones

Hello all, I’ve been teaching myself how to use Blender’s rigify add-on, and I’ve had an odd issue pop up. I’ve generated a rig and skinned it, and for the most part the bones are working properly and as expected. But when I attempt to manipulate the box control for the hips or the control for the neck of the rig, they wildly deform the mesh:

It appears as if the mesh is not parented to the bones at all when I manipulate these two controls, but I know they are because when I manipulate other controls for the rig, the mesh deforms and moves as expected. After playing around with the different controls, I think I’ve narrowed down the problem to a bone in the spine. I’ve checked the weight painting for that bone (and for every other bone in the rig, just to be safe) and the weight paints are not set to deform the entire mesh. As far as I can see, everything has the proper influence. I’m new to rigging and weight painting, and I’ve exhausted my limited knowledge on the subject without finding a solution. So I thought I’d turn it over to more experienced animators and riggers here in hopes someone might know what sort of issue I’m having. I’d appreciate any insight anyone has!


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