Can change a camera.worldScale in runtime?

BGE In this case camera is active_camera and in perspective

I wish know if we can chance scale current camera in runtime


Don’t think about it in scale. The thing you want is the field of view.

in BGE this is will made a scale effect? worldScale effect?

can give a python code?

worldScale changes an object’s physical scale, but the camera view isn’t tied to its physical object. They’re considered different things. The camera object is a physical reference point from which a viewpoint originates. Only its position and orientation are affected by its physical access point. As stated above, you want to manipulate the view itself. Here’s a list that might help you:

yes I using in FPS. this what i think camera.fov example is like a perspective zoom of current active camera.

its good for more one option for play game only.

Why not play an action with lens key frames?

hi Monster, can you help me pleas, i send a PM. thanks have a nice day

its good but i need think in performance

thats about as good as performance as you are going to get.

camera.fov is instantly i think better

good luck programing an interpolation curve then.