How do I move around the UV/Image Editor texture mapper texture thing

Hello everyone,

I’m new to blender and I’m following a tutorial on Currently, I’m using version 2.79b of Blender and the tutorial I’m following uses version 2.78

I’m not sure if it’s a difference of versions that is causing my confusion or not but here goes.

It appears the texture mapper orange piece(square) on the left side of my screen appears to be stuck in place. In my tutorial the guy just clicks it and moves it around. But when I try to move it, only one of the handles moves and not the whole square. I found out by pressing G key I can translate it around which is good, but how do I resize the square proportionally?

I’ve attached an image that shows what square I’m talking about.

What I want to do is to be able to resize the orange square so it fits over one of the dice squares perfectly. As well as being able to do that, I would like to know how to get more than one square to work with. It appears that the guy in the tutorial I’m following is able to produce multiple orange squares instead of just one.

S = scales your selection

These shortcut keys are nearly universal no matter which Blender window or mode you’re in:
R = rotate
S = scale
G = grab-n-move (translate)

Thank you, yes that works.

How do I create and delete multiple little squares?

Also, how do i tell which one is the first square and which is the second(if that matters)

I don’t know if it matters, but I’m using cycles renderer.

You need to add seams to the cube. Think about how you would construct a cube from a single piece of paper, the places that you would need to glue together would be where you need to add seams before unwrapping.

Example of cube with correct seams:


Unwrapped cube.blend (466 KB)Unwrapped cube2.blend (521 KB)

Yes, actually in the tutorial I’m following he teaches how to do the seams method, thanks for posting though to confirm best practices.