Ocean Floor (Advice requested)

Hi All - I could use opinion on overall approach to achieve an image similar to the following that is Blender 2.8 forward compatible (e.g. Principled Shader):

I’ve created some proof of concept images using a Blender 2.79 Cycles volume with a textured and displaced sand floor, textured fake caustics, an a faked volume background using a borrowed dynamic sky node setup.

Where I’m stuck: I’m getting poor results with creating an ocean water volume with a gradient to replace the dynamic sky background and provide volume based coloring but that allows for artistic lighting.

I’m curious how you’d go about it: Sphere around the ocean plane with camera inside? How would you create a volume but still allow HDRI environment lighting and crepuscular (god) rays from Cycles lamps? Is it feasible to attempt such a thing using Cycles volume / lighting capability?

Any and all advice is appreciated. Thanks.

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Hi FutureHack,
Here is a basic scene I made some time ago with Cycles and Filmic Color Management (HDR). The white slate shows the caustics from the light source.

Scene uses a cube with a volumetric shader in front of the camera. To enhance the light rays, the volume absorption component is ~10x higher than the volume scattering. The faked caustics have been done with a filter plane before the light source.
Rendering with >400 samples otherwise it’s too grainy and the denoiser will create strange artefacts.

I have attached the .blend if you like to have closer look. UW-scene.blend (1.37 MB)

Thanks for the info seawolf. I’ll check out your .blend and try using an absorption > scattering approach to see how it goes.

BTW, you have some truly impressive sailing ship images on the site in your signature.