Rhombic Hexecontahedron (Appx)

Rhombic Hexecontahedron (also known as the Wolfram Logo)

Steps involved (also in the GIF):

01) Shift-A (Mesh / Math Function/ Regular Solid)
02) Dodecahedron
03) Edit / x / Limited Dissolve
04) Alt - P (x2)
05) Alt-J
06) A - Clear
07) Ctrl-Tab - Edge Select Long Edges
08) Shift G / Length
09) Ctrl+E -> rotate edge (Either)
10) X -> edge collapse 
11) Ctrl-Tab - Vertex Select Center Vertices 
12) Shift-G - Amount of Adjacent Faces
13) Scale to Rhomboid (Appx)
14) Select mid Vertex 
15) Shift-G - Amount of Adjacent Faces
16) Scale to Rhomboid (Appx)

(Credit to JA12 for modified steps 7-10 which made the process much simpler than it would’ve otherwise been.)