How do I bake a Vector Painted object onto a Texture image?

So I am trying to bake a Vector painted object onto another mesh’s texture but I failed.

Video showing the failure:

I tried to follow this tutorial but it failed. It says “No objects or images found to bake to”.

A thing to take note is that I first built the objects in Cycles and only switched to Blender render at the end when I tried to bake it.

If possible, I hope someone can guide me step by step to bake a Vector painted object onto a mesh’s texture in Cycles.

Vertex paint.

What I can see in the information you’ve provided, the bake settings are wrong. You’re trying to bake full render into vertex colors. Baking mode should be vertex colors and “bake to vertex colors” should be unchecked.

I see. I’m still not sure about what I should do.

Can you help teach me how? If possible how to bake vertex paint onto a texture in Cycle render?


Cycles doesn’t have a direct option to bake vertex colors on an image, and it’s not possible to bake a texture (image or procedural) to vertex colors with it.

How about for Blender Render then?

And um, no, I am not trying to bake texture images to vertex color, I am trying to do the opposite?

Trying to bake a vertex painted mesh to a texture image.

Sorry if I worded it wrong or read your reply wrong.

I probably messed up my reply, leaving direct quotes out

I won’t help with that. Someone else of course could

The rest was information about the limited options for baking vertex colors in Cycles. Doesn’t bake colors to image directly, and can’t do it the other way around at all.

In Cycles you can plug the vertex colors into an emission shader (with the “Attribute” node) and then set the bake type to “emit”.
The name field in the “Attribute” node needs the name of you vertex color set.