Help with newbie UV mapping tutorial please.

So far I’ve worked with two tutorials all day long. The first one the guys main language was not english so I had some troubles understanding it at times. Not to mention the fact that he randomly chose which tools he would explain how to use and which he would asume you already know how to use. After many hours of frustration I finished that tutorial. As it turned out the end of the face tutorial created something very different from the two images he showed at the beggining of the tutorial. Upon finishing the tutorial you ended up with a VERY rough/blocky face, in which he chose to completly pass up the opportunity to teach some of the techniques he used to create realistic-like skin/clothes/hair/etc.

Bad tutorial 1:

The second tutorial I’ve been working on is a UV mapping tutorial. Basically I got stuck on step 5 and can’t get past it. This tutorial as far as I can tell does not explain anywhere which vertices you should mark seams on. Step 4 has a nice graphic of which seems to mark if you have a single box, but at this point you dont have a single box, you have seven boxes combined as one.

Bad tutorial 2:

Okay I’m done ranting. All I really need is some help. If someone would be so kind as to post a .blend file with the seams already marked for me so that I can see which exactly I was suppose to mark that would be very nice. Thanks in advance for any responses.

Seriously dude - calm down. You will not encourage helpful responses in this way.

These tutorials are not bad! They target a specific area and give guidence. The authors will be the first people to help you out if you are finding their tutorials difficult or unhelpful.

Read the comments against the tutorials you are burning!,

I have posted the blend file you asked for,

I hope this helps. Pace yourself - sometimes you have to take a step back!!

Meh, I know I got carried away. Just frustrating working on two tutorials all day and not even getting the expected blend file out of it. Anyway thanks a bunch for the blend file, havent played with it yet. I’m sure it’l help though. Okay well it seems it’s time for me to sleep, gn all. :slight_smile: