Dupliframed rigged character problem...

Good day,

I am trying to create a ring of 100 people where some have their hands raised, some have their hands crossed in front of them, some have then hangig down the side.
I figured I could somehow achieve that easily by posing, dupliframing and animating a single character, but I have struck two brick walls:

I have a human mesh rigged with an armature.
I have set up the rig to rotate so that it forms the circle.
But when I select the human mesh and enable dupliframes, whenever I render a picture the dupliframed meshes are exploded all over the place.
I can avoid the exploding meshed by enabling SlowPar on the mesh, but that disables the mesh’s animation.

In the 3D view I can get the people to raise their hands, cross them in front of them and then let them hang down the side – all in fine synchronisation (as in synchronised swimming).
But how do I make it so that some have their hands raised at the same time as others have their hands crossed etc.?

Do I really have to create 100 individual characters and pose each and every one of them manually?

Best regards :slight_smile:

Johnny :slight_smile:

Since I haven’t been with blender long I am not sure, but there is probably a timeline sort of thing where you can copy/paste actions so you don’t need to keep reposing all the models all you need to do it copy/paste. For the seperate models all you would do is change the frame at which the animation starts.