WC 169: Into the Light --- Rotating head.gif added

G’dday lads & gents,

did meself anotha Weekend Challenge… sorry.

Into the Light

Here’s a slightly bigga version (1400 x 600):

The WC-topic is ‘Alternative Transportation’, and this one’s about the journey ya’ll have when you die… to heav’n, hell or whatever.

Hope ya’ll like it. :wink:

C&C pr’tty much welcome,


Woah! Very cool! Love the composition and character! Will he be in any more upcoming works, or animations?

love it and would definatly like to see some animations.

Really love the lighting in this one Sago. Sets the mood perfectly.

The broken glas on the eyeglasses is a nice touch as well.

Did you render this one in Yaf again, or Blender?


Glad y’all like it.

Will he be in any more upcoming works, or animations?

would definatly like to see some animations.

Sorry, no can do. He’s dead, so no animation for him. :slight_smile:

This is not the first time people ask to see animations of my work, as if it could be done just like that. And besides, for animations I should really learn how to model the back of a head (not to mention a whole body).

Kinda difficult to use in an animation, hey? :wink:

:smiley: Yeah, unlike many others I started with Yafray, it made the lightingpart much easier for me. But I’m learning Blender, and my last 4 WC-works were rendered internal. Including this one.

Do you see me as the Yafray-guy? don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing… :-?


Wireframe please! :wink:

Just curious as to whether that beam of light on the right side of the image is a cleverly made spotlight or a mesh?
Also the smoke in the background, particle or picture?

well seriously what creps me out about your animation is the fact that because of the lack of a head, you can see into the head and you see his eyes looking at you when you look into his head.

this is pretty much an accident i think, but as i love those accidents from metal design they are great because in this case it works perfect together.
also the shells (hair, skull) contribute their part to it.

great work!


Man, that’s really great stuff.
One thing I wondered about… Wouldn’t the broken eyeglass kind of change the way we see through it? It looks broken, but you see through it as if it were normal. Know what I mean?

I think he could still work in an animation, it would be a really cool style, where you can see the insides of the character when he turns! You don’t have to have a complete figure, although you probably want the front of the body, but that’s not to tricky to model in a cartoony style.

Very nice modelling for the front of the head and face. Nice character; and wonderfully lighted. Plz keep it going…!!!


The lightbeam is a combination of halo-spotlights (some shining through a plane with small holes), some small halo’s and 1 big halo in the corner. As a finishing touch zblur, glow and some colorcorrection.

The smoke is made with particles.

Wouldn’t the broken eyeglass kind of change the way we see through it? It looks broken, but you see through it as if it were normal. Know what I mean?

I used an image for bumpmapping (nor), so the changed ‘breaking of the light’ only happens on the surface, and not through the whole thickness of the glass. If that’s what you meant you’re absolutely right. :slight_smile:

Although it looks pretty neat, I don’t see myself making an animation with heads likes this. I just have to learn to model the rest. :wink:


Very nice Sago!
Why do you have eyes facing back on the 360 turnaround ?:stuck_out_tongue:

I always set the eyetexture on clip, with Map Input on plane. Somehow it also shows on the other side, every time. Don’t no why. Doesn’t matter though…